Home » Criminal and Traffic Law

Criminal and Traffic Law

V.A.J. Byrne & Co. Lawyers has, for decades, tended to criminal law and traffic law matters in the Magistrates Court, District Court and Supreme Court. Such is our experience.

VAJ Byrne & Co Lawyers Gladstone | Over 80 Years | Criminall Law

When it comes to your criminal defence, it’s not necessary for you to tough it out alone.

Our experienced criminal defence legal team can assist you during your difficult times with a high level, strong and competent legal representation to help minimise the penalties you suffer.

Understanding and navigating the police process and the court process can be complicated, but we will be there to ensure that you understand every step of what is being alleged, and how you need to proceed.

The Police want to speak to me…
You have the right to retain a lawyer prior to speaking with Police.  If you proceed with your interview prior to retaining a lawyer, you have the right to cease the interview at any time and retain a lawyer before proceeding. An interview is not compulsory, you do not have to participate in the interview and should seek legal advice before you do.

CLICK HERE to know your rights when dealing with the police.

Criminal Law matters our firm services:

  • Driving and traffic offences
  • Work and Special Hardship licence applications
  • Drug offences
  • Public nuisance and alcohol related charges
  • Property offences
  • Offences against the person
  • Bail applications

Contact your local criminal law experts at V.A.J. Byrne & Co. Lawyers to discuss your individual legal situation.

We will stand with you during these tough times and be empathetic to your circumstances.


Hours of Business:
8:30am to 5:00pm
Monday to Friday
(except Public Holidays and Christmas Closure)

Gladstone Office
148 Auckland Street
Gladstone QLD 4680

🖂 PO Box 273
Gladstone QLD 4680

Bundaberg Office
Suite 2, 36 Barolin Street
Bundaberg QLD 4670
🖂 PO Box 837
Bundaberg QLD 4670

Biloela Office
17 Callide Street
Biloela QLD 4715

🖂 PO Box 360
Biloela QLD 4715

 (07) 4972 1144

Hours of Business:
8:30am to 5:00pm
Monday to Friday
(except Public Holidays and Christmas Closure)

Gladstone Office:
148 Auckland Street
Gladstone QLD 4680

PO Box 273
Gladstone QLD 4680

Bundaberg Office:
Suite 2, 36 Barolin Street
Bundaberg QLD 4670 PO Box 837
Bundaberg QLD 4670

Biloela Office:
17 Callide Street
Biloela QLD 4715 PO Box 360
Biloela QLD 4715

“Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.”