Serving Central Queensland since 1931
Vincent Arthur Joseph Byrne was born in Warwick on 26 October 1906. Vincent was admitted as a solicitor on 4 June 1929 and practiced in partnership of Byrne & Hobler until founding his own Gladstone law firm, V.A.J. Byrne & Co. Lawyers in or about May 1931.
Roe Aloysius Roy O’Neill was born in Gayndah on 26th March 1926. Roe was admitted as a solicitor in February 1953. Upon admission, Vince Byrne admitted Roe to partnership of the Gladstone law firm, V.A.J. Byrne & Co. Having worked with the firm prior to admission as an articled clerk, this partnership continued until Vincent’s death in 1976. Roe retired as a partner on 31st December 1982.
When Roe O’Neill retired he left the firm with numerous partners including Keith Bates and Barry Ross.
Keith Mervyn Bates was born on 24th April 1942 in Laidley.
Keith became qualified as a solicitor and commenced employment with the firm in 1972 and was eventually admitted to partnership in December 1979.
Keith Bates retired from partnership effective 30th June 2000, however he maintained involvement for some years as a consultant before retiring to his grazing property, but still maintains contact with the firm and participates in its formal events and celebrations.
Barry John Albert Ross was born in Gympie on 24th January 1954. Barry was admitted to practice as a solicitor on 17th June 1980 and is an accredited specialist in personal injury. The firm employed Barry on 19th July 1982 and was later admitted as a partner on 1st January 1983. Barry Ross is now a consultant solicitor for V.A.J. Byrne & Co.
V.A.J. Byrne & Co. was incorporated on 1st July 2011 and Kylie Devney has been the managing director since that time. She expanded the business by opening a Bundaberg branch in 2021 which Ryan Mitchell manages and he also became a director in 2022.
βΒ (07) 4972 1144
Hours of Business:
8:30am to 5:00pm
Monday to Friday
(except Public Holidays and Christmas Closure)
Gladstone Office
148 Auckland Street
Gladstone QLD 4680
π PO Box 273
Gladstone QLD 4680
Bundaberg Office
Suite 2, 36 Barolin Street
Bundaberg QLD 4670
π PO Box 837
Bundaberg QLD 4670
Biloela Office
17 Callide Street
Biloela QLD 4715π PO Box 360
Biloela QLD 4715
β (07) 4972 1144
Hours of Business:
8:30am to 5:00pm
Monday to Friday
(except Public Holidays and Christmas Closure)
Gladstone Office:
148 Auckland Street
Gladstone QLD 4680
β PO Box 273
Gladstone QLD 4680
Bundaberg Office:
Suite 2, 36 Barolin Street
Bundaberg QLD 4670β PO Box 837
Bundaberg QLD 4670
Biloela Office:
17 Callide Street
Biloela QLD 4715β PO Box 360
Biloela QLD 4715