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Litigation (Court Matters) and Dispute Resolution

Magistrates Court, Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia, District Court, Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, High Court.

VAJ Byrne & Co Lawyers Gladstone | Over 80 Years | Litigation and Court Matters

V.A.J. Byrne & Co. Lawyers experienced legal team can cater to your individual legal representation requirements when it is necessary for you to attend court.

Litigation can be stressful and costly, and in many cases strict time limits apply and delay could mean you lose your right to claim. Obtaining good legal advice from an experienced and knowledgeable lawyer early can avoid wasted costs and improve the chances of early resolution.

Our experienced legal team members strive for realistic commercial outcomes for our clients using litigation only as a last resort. We will always attempt to resolve your matter through alternative dispute resolution mechanisms such as mediation or arbitration.

Book an appointment with your local Litigation and Dispute Resolution Lawyers at V.A.J. Byrne & Co. Lawyers to discuss your individual legal situation.

Hours of Business:
8:30am to 5:00pm
Monday to Friday
(except Public Holidays and Christmas Closure)

Gladstone Office
148 Auckland Street
Gladstone QLD 4680

πŸ–‚ PO Box 273
Gladstone QLD 4680

Bundaberg Office
Suite 2, 36 Barolin Street
Bundaberg QLD 4670
πŸ–‚ PO Box 837
Bundaberg QLD 4670

Biloela Office
17 Callide Street
Biloela QLD 4715

πŸ–‚ PO Box 360
Biloela QLD 4715

☏ (07) 4972 1144
⌨ office@byrnelawyers.com.au

Hours of Business:
8:30am to 5:00pm
Monday to Friday
(except Public Holidays and Christmas Closure)

Gladstone Office:
148 Auckland Street
Gladstone QLD 4680

βœ‰ PO Box 273
Gladstone QLD 4680

Bundaberg Office:
Suite 2, 36 Barolin Street
Bundaberg QLD 4670βœ‰ PO Box 837
Bundaberg QLD 4670

Biloela Office:
17 Callide Street
Biloela QLD 4715βœ‰ PO Box 360
Biloela QLD 4715

β€œLiability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.”